Friday, March 6, 2015

When I was young.

When I was young, I used to play outside with my friends. We like to play Pantintero, Tumbang-preso, Moro-moro, Teks, Jolen, Basketball and many more. I'm always happy that time, I guess I could say it's the reason why I'm always happy right now. Playing with friends without techonology is a blast, unlike now, most of the kids play tablet or computer, except those could'nt afford it. 

When I was young (primary school  days), I was kinda the bully in our class. I'm a bully verbally but not physically. I used to make fun of my friends and classmates, sometimes I could make them cry because of my jokes or insults. But still, they're still my friends even though I'm a bully. Anyway, I was a good student in my elementary life. I'm good with math so for every school year I got a ribbon with "excellent in math" in it. My penmanship sucks though, everytime our teacher give us writing activities, I always got the attention of our teacher.

When I was young (high school days), I don't bully someone anymore but, I was the joker of the class. I'm so funny that my friends would laugh even if I don't say anything. I guess I look funny. :( anyway, I could'nt continue my excellence in my favorite and it get worse every school year. My life in highschool is full of memories, every year there's a cheer dance competition in our school where freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior would battle by dancing. Our batch was one of the most scary competitor in the said competition. Our batch won 2 champion, 1 1st runner-up, and 1 2nd runner-up. I know, we are good, not only in cheer dance competitions but also sports and academic. One of our adviser even said that we're one of the most excel batch that studied in our school.

Well, that's some of my memories when I was younger, some are personal so I could'nt share it. :) 

          "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory" -Dr. Seuss

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