Friday, April 17, 2015


Pick 3 students and write something about the variety or type of english each student used.
1. Marcus
          Marcus' english is black english. Some of his words have more stress whenever he want to amplify the word. Some of his words are shorten .

2. Jamal Hill
          Jamal Hill's english is like hiphop english. He speak like he's rapping or something.
3. Ben
          Ahhh.. Ben. He's the only white kid in room 203 he speak American english. His english is common in America.

Analyze the english communication skills that the teachers, especially Ms. G., possessed.
     The teachers' communication skills is good, their vocabulary is good also. They can use deep words to express what they feel. Ms. G or Ms. Erin Gruwell words however, is simple, soft, and easy to understand .

How did Ms. G. show or downplay her power.
     Ms. G. explained that she also know the feeling of discrimination and looked down upon. She also said that even she's a teacher, she does not have the power to discriminate them .

How did the students acquire some sense of power. Provide specific scene
     The students acquired some sense of power when Ms, G. gave them their own diary.

                       "Silence ensures that history repeats itself" -Anonymous Freedom Writer

Friday, March 13, 2015


William Henry "Bill" Gates III
Cofounder and chairman of Microsoft
Age: 59
Net Worth: $81.1 billion (Jan 2015)

Bill Gates was born on October 28 1955, an Amreican business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, inventor, and a drop out student. Without Bill Gates there will be no Microsoft Software in our computers.

If I could be like him, I would share my knowledge. I would help other people via donations. I want to be a billionaire. I want to contribute to the community.

I will never be like Bill Gates, because I'm not him. I will never be like Bill Gates because I dont have the brains. I will never be like Bill Gates because I don't have the talent. It sucks ..

"It's fine to celebrate success but it's more important to heed the lessons of failure" -Bill Gates


Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund 
a swedish Counter-Strike: Global Offensive professional player
earned $227,745 from 131 tournaments
Age: 24

If I could be like someone, it will be GeT_RiGhT because he's talented but humble player. He can bring miracles in-game like winning in a 1v5 situation which is pretty hard to do especially when you're up against professional player. Also, he can enjoy playing computer games while getting paid or getting big prize money . Someone might say there's someone who's better than him, but for me he is the best. 

I wish I could be like him. I want playing computer as my profession. I want to let people know that playing computer is not always a hindrance in life. I want eSports to be as big as NBA, NFL, FIFA, WBA, UFC and etc . I want to be an inspiration to the players all around the world. Also I want to speak swedish.

I kinda got the talent, but it's hard to be a professional player here in the Philippines because gaming here is discouraged. Gaming is not the practical way of earning money so people tend to go for diploma even if they really want to be a professional player.

      "One way to forget about pain is to do something you will be in, completely. So, computer games"  - Danil "Dendi" Ishutin

Friday, March 6, 2015

When I was young.

When I was young, I used to play outside with my friends. We like to play Pantintero, Tumbang-preso, Moro-moro, Teks, Jolen, Basketball and many more. I'm always happy that time, I guess I could say it's the reason why I'm always happy right now. Playing with friends without techonology is a blast, unlike now, most of the kids play tablet or computer, except those could'nt afford it. 

When I was young (primary school  days), I was kinda the bully in our class. I'm a bully verbally but not physically. I used to make fun of my friends and classmates, sometimes I could make them cry because of my jokes or insults. But still, they're still my friends even though I'm a bully. Anyway, I was a good student in my elementary life. I'm good with math so for every school year I got a ribbon with "excellent in math" in it. My penmanship sucks though, everytime our teacher give us writing activities, I always got the attention of our teacher.

When I was young (high school days), I don't bully someone anymore but, I was the joker of the class. I'm so funny that my friends would laugh even if I don't say anything. I guess I look funny. :( anyway, I could'nt continue my excellence in my favorite and it get worse every school year. My life in highschool is full of memories, every year there's a cheer dance competition in our school where freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior would battle by dancing. Our batch was one of the most scary competitor in the said competition. Our batch won 2 champion, 1 1st runner-up, and 1 2nd runner-up. I know, we are good, not only in cheer dance competitions but also sports and academic. One of our adviser even said that we're one of the most excel batch that studied in our school.

Well, that's some of my memories when I was younger, some are personal so I could'nt share it. :) 

          "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory" -Dr. Seuss

Friday, February 27, 2015

My weird thing I found in our living room

I have seen many weird things happen around me. From a dog poop that looks like a Snicker bar to a rat reproducing. This things does not happen often, so I filmed it. I find the rat scene nasty and funny at the same time. This rat sounds like a bird tweeting, it sounds unbelieveable and i coud'nt believe either but it's true. The scene last for 5 minutes. And yeah, I deleted the video afterwards.

Hello there ! 

Its my first time to blog so I don't know what to say . I guess I'll just talk about me. My name is Wesley Karell L. Benavides, 19 years old, I'm currently studying in FEU-Institue of Technology(FIT), I'm a 1st year taking up Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineer. Computer addict, loves to play Dota 2 and some FPS games like Counter-Strike Global Offensive which is somewhat distracting me in my studies. I'm currently rehabilitating from my addiction so I can focus in my studies. I live in Marilao, Bulacan, I have 4 siblings 2 boys and 2 girls. I got a loving mother and a hard working father. 

I'am happy person, its easy to make me smile, easy to get but hard to contain. I'm a person who thinks positive in a way that even when I have problems I could just smile and laugh to forget about it for a moment .I have girlfriend (yes I have a girlfriend, so I'm so sorry girls. jk) we're together for almost 3 years and counting. She's calls me Bear(I don't like the trends like Bae). She's kind of a girl who you can annoy everytime and still loves you. This girl is so sweet, I think I have diabetes. I love her so much.

Anyway, let's get back to me. I like to play poker internet poker or live poker. I also like to play basketball with friends, can't have 1 game without laughing with them. Anyway, that's my introduction so thanks for stopping by. :)

"It does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop" -Confucius