Friday, April 17, 2015


Pick 3 students and write something about the variety or type of english each student used.
1. Marcus
          Marcus' english is black english. Some of his words have more stress whenever he want to amplify the word. Some of his words are shorten .

2. Jamal Hill
          Jamal Hill's english is like hiphop english. He speak like he's rapping or something.
3. Ben
          Ahhh.. Ben. He's the only white kid in room 203 he speak American english. His english is common in America.

Analyze the english communication skills that the teachers, especially Ms. G., possessed.
     The teachers' communication skills is good, their vocabulary is good also. They can use deep words to express what they feel. Ms. G or Ms. Erin Gruwell words however, is simple, soft, and easy to understand .

How did Ms. G. show or downplay her power.
     Ms. G. explained that she also know the feeling of discrimination and looked down upon. She also said that even she's a teacher, she does not have the power to discriminate them .

How did the students acquire some sense of power. Provide specific scene
     The students acquired some sense of power when Ms, G. gave them their own diary.

                       "Silence ensures that history repeats itself" -Anonymous Freedom Writer